Piano Panacea
A place to find excellent piano teachers certified in using Piano Marvel to Teach Online Piano Lessons
Learn through our Online Courses
Our online courses provide you with guided step-by-step instruction to help you learn how to play the piano.
Apply through Interactive Software
We utilize a 3rd Party software called Piano Marvel where you can apply what you have learned in your courses and piano lessons in an interactive and engaging way that can fast track your progress and make learning how to play more fun.
Live Interaction with your Piano Teacher and Fellow Students
Interact through 1:1 lessons, group lessons, or weekly Q&A sessions (for independent learners) with highly qualified piano teachers who are Piano Marvel and Online Teaching Certified Teachers in addition to their years of experience and other training and qualifications.
Our Piano Panacea Course
The Level 1 Course is completed and ready for students to enroll. We are currently working on completing the Level 2 Course and are anticipating its completion in time for students who have completed the Level 1 Course
Level 1 Theory
A beginner course to teach the basics of how to play the piano
Level 2 Theory
Start this course after you have completed the Level 1 Course
Optimizing Online Teaching MasterClass 2023
In this MasterClass you will be learning how to optimize online teaching of piano using the most up to date…
What is the Piano Panacea Studio?
A Panacea is a solution or remedy for all difficulties or problems--a cure-all. While developing this program we took the approach of identifying as many of the strengths and weaknesses as possible to the existing piano teaching approaches out there and then set about to create a program that capitalizes on the strengths of other programs while mitigating the weaknesses. As such, we feel we have done our best to create a panacea for piano instruction or a PIANO PANACEA!
What do I need to start?

What Our Students Have to Say